
Clinton township school district list of schools in hunterdon county nj
Clinton township school district list of schools in hunterdon county nj

clinton township school district list of schools in hunterdon county nj

This analysis, along with the last two charts, provides another high level review and comparative data on the Hunterdon County New Jersey educational level. Additionally, these are people who also do not have a Graduate Equivalency Degree (GED) or some other high school level type credential/student achievement. The county with the highest percent with a bachelors degree or higher in the area is Somerset County which shows a percent with a bachelors degree of 56% (only about 3.3% larger).įigure 4 shows the percentage of people 25 years of age or older who either have no schooling at all or dropped out of school before being able to complete high school. Hunterdon County depicts it has a Bachelors Degree or higher of 54% which is the third most of all other counties in the greater region. In many ways, this analysis alongside the prior chart are very quick measures of the level of education in any particular area.

clinton township school district list of schools in hunterdon county nj

This chart portrays the proportion of the population in this region who are college graduates with at least a bachelor degree or higher. Note that the bachelor's degree is also called a four-year degree because it normally takes four years of full-time study to finish the course curriculum required to obtain the degree. In Figure 2, the percentage of people aged 25 years or older who have graduated from college/university with at least a bachelor's degree is provided. Hunterdon County depicts it has a High School Grad or higher of 96% which is the largest of all counties in the greater Hunterdon County region. In Figure 1, the percent of all people aged 25 years or older, who have either graduated from high school or completed the Graduate Equivalency Degree (GED) or some equivalent certification/credential. Hunterdon County Education Attainment ChartsThis section of charts contains education data for Hunterdon County New Jersey based mainly on the latest year 2022 Census data using the American Community Survey but also the survey from Common Core Data available for Public Elementary through Secondary Schools.

Clinton township school district list of schools in hunterdon county nj